Weekly News September 1, 2024


CAN PROJECT REMINDER: Just a friendly reminder about our Can Project. Hope you have been able to put a few coins into your cans over the past summer months to help out!!  If you could please bring them in by the end of the month deadline that would be most appreciated!!  Many thanks to those of you who have already returned your cans. 

IRISH DESCENDANTS CONCERT HERE AT FIRST UNITED:  Yay!! We are pleased to announce that the Irish Descendants will be doing a concert here at First United on September 14th at 7 pm. Tickets are on sale and are available after service today or from the church office Tuesday to Friday from 9 am to 12 noon. The cost of the tickets is $30. Sure to be a great show!! 

GARDEN CAFÉ Help Needed!  Don’t forget to join us in the Garden Café for tea/coffee before church service from 10 -10:45 am. We are looking for folks to help out in café starting September for setting up/clean up and serving of tea and coffee. If you are available to help, please speak to Carolyn Rice or speak to someone in the café before Sunday service.     

PEACE GARDEN WATERING SCHEDULE: We are in need of some folks to help with watering our beautiful peace garden daily.  We have posted a schedule for the month of August in the foyer.  Please sign up your name for a day or two during the month to keep our colorful garden looking healthy and happy!!  Many hands make light work!!  And you can take some time to sit and meditate in the beautiful surroundings!!

QUILTING GROUP: The group meets the first, third and fifth Monday of the month at 7:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room. All levels are welcome to join. For more information contact Pam Morgan at 709-691-0214 or pmorgan@mun.ca

BOOK CLUB:  The Book Club meets once a month.  For information on time and place, please contact Pam Morgan at 709-691-0214 or pmorgan@mun.ca

FOOD BANK SUNDAY: The first Sunday of the month is designated as Food Bank Sunday. Envelopes are available on the table in foyer.

BUILDING FUND SUNDAY: The last Sunday of the month is designated as Building Fund Sunday. Envelopes are available on the table in foyer.  if you would like to make a contribution.  Thank you for your continued support. 


 Our Youth Group collects beverage containers for recycling. If you would like to drop off your beverage recycling at the church, here’s what can be recycled: aluminum can; plastic containers; glass bottles; steel cans; drink boxes (tetra); mini sips (drink pouches) etc. (Please wash out all bottles and remove all caps before dropping them off.) This is a great fund raiser for the youth and the Youth Group thanks you for your support.

NoticeWEEKLY BULLETIN DEDICATIONS: Now that we have resumed printing bulletins, you may dedicate a bulletin in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special event. If you would like to do so, please put your name and phone number for a specific date on the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board in the vestibule or call the church office at 368-2194.

Worship Schedule

Come Worship with Us!

at 221 Park Avenue

Mount Pearl

Worship Service

EVERY Sunday – 11 am

September 8th      11 am  – Worship Service/Creation Time Begins
September 15th    11 am  – Worship Service
September 22nd   11 am  – Worship Service/Baptism
September 29th   11 am  – Worship Service led Rev. Scott Parsons/Rev. Miriam Bowlby
October 6th            11 am  –  Worldwide Communion Sunday
October 13th       11 am  – Thanksgiving Sunday
October 20th       11 am  – Anniversary/Thank You Sunday
October 27th      11 am  – Worship Service


Worship Services Online

Starts at 11 am

“We respectfully acknowledge the territory in which we gather as the traditional territory of the Beothuk and Mi’kmaq.  We are conscious of the long and painful history of relations between the Christian church, colonial settlement practices and the harm caused to these lands and peoples.   May we always seek to live with respect on this land as we search for collective healing and true reconciliation and honour this beautiful land together.“

Gifts - GivingIt is with gratitude and thanksgiving we acknowledge the following Gifts and dedicate them to the Glory of God:

Local Fund

  • In memory of Eric Badcock from Carl and Ella Strong.

Building Fund

  • In memory of Eric Badcock from Marvin and Mona Oldford, Michael and Doreen Bouzane, Lorne and Doreen Squires, Christina and Denis Manning.

Food Bank

  • Thank you to everyone for the cards received, phone calls and visits to  me this past month.  Thank you so much.  From Dixie Benson.

In Our Faith Community

FLIPPER DINNERS: The Gower Service and Social Club will be providing take-out Flipper Dinners with all the trimmings on Saturday, September 21, 2024. Pick-up will begin at 5:00 p.m. from the auditorium at Gower Street United Church, entrance from the Gower Street side. The cost of each dinner is $30.00. For information on how to purchase tickets please contact the Gower Office.

Are you looking to join a choir, we are one month away from starting the 2024/2025 season. Each of our choirs are looking for new members and would love to meet you! If you are interested or have any questions, please contact Abra at aurorachoir.ad@gmail.com

United Church Bookstore & Gifts UCC East

320 Elizabeth Avenue
St. John’s, NL

UNITED CHURCH BOOKSTORE ONLINE: The United Church Bookstore has launched the bookstore for online shopping as well as in-person shopping at 320 Elizabeth Ave. To shop online visit https://ucceast.ca/shop

BRIDGES TO HOPE: If you would like to pick up a few items to help out Bridges, please place donations in bin in the foyer here at First United. The monthly item needed for September is canned soup. Some weekly flyer items helpful for food hampers for August 29th to September 4th are:

Walmart Great Value Tuna $0.97
Palmolive Dish Detergent $1.86
Colgate Toothpaste $0.84
Mr. Noodles Instant Noodles $0.44
Sobeys Kraft Peanut Butter (Scene Card) $3.97
Cheez Whiz (Scene Card) $3.97
No Frills Kraft Dinner (KD) $1.00
No Name Evaporated Milk $1.00
No Name Bleach $1.00
Dominion Kraft Dinner (KD) ( PC Card) $0.99

It is time for ‘Bag to School’ again. Bridges would like to double the number of bags provided this year. To date they have received 88% of their goal!!They are requesting monetary donations preferably, but, would also take any supplies anyone cares to donate. There is a box in the foyer for any supplies you wish to donate or you can put your donation in one of the envelopes provided in the foyer and place in the regular collection plate. See the link below for more details regarding the project. https://bridgestohope.ca/bag-to-school

Updates from Regional Council and UCC

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council

Donating to First United

Great News!

E-Transfers Now Possible

First United is now able to accept donations through e-transfer
right from your bank account to firstunited@nf.aibn.com

Four convenients ways you can donate to First United

  1. In-Person
  2. PAR
  3. e-transfer
  4. online

For more details visit the How to Donate Page

Note:  If making a donation through e-transfer, please indicate your Envelope # (if you have one) and how you wish the funds to be used, i.e., Local Expenses, Building Fund, Mission & Service, Food Bank or Other.  If you need to provide more detailed information, please send us an email.

The office hours for July and August are Wednesday and Thursday 9 am to noon.

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