How to Donate
First United relies on your generosity to fulfull its mission. Find out how you can donate and how your financial contributions are used.
How You Can Donate to First United
- In-Person
- e-transfer
- online
There are four very convenient ways you can donate to First United.
- The first is in person ~ during our Sunday morning Worship or use the drop box to the right of the door at the church entrance or drop into our Church Office. We accept cash and cheques.
- The second is PAR. PAR stands for Pre-Authorized Remittance. If you have automatic debits from your bank account to pay for insurance, cable TV, taxes, fuel, or a mortgage – then you understand the PAR principle. It means regular contributions throughout the year that make it easy to donate to First United. Today many people use the PAR system for their church offering, finding it an easy way to take care of their regular commitments to the church month by month. You can participate in this program. Download and complete the PAR Form and return it to the church along with a sample cheque marked VOID. When you subscribe to PAR (pre-authorized remittance) your account will be automatically debited and your congregation’s account credited with the amount payable from all members who participate. A tax receipt will be issued by First United at the end of each calendar year.
- The third is by e-transfer. e-transfers can be done right from your bank account to firstunited@nf.aibn.com. If making a donation through e-transfer, please indicate your Envelope # (if you have one) and how you wish the funds to be used, i.e., Local Expenses, Building Fund, Mission & Service, Food Bank or Other. If you need to provide more detailed information, please send us an email.
- The fourth is online giving through our online charity account at canadahelps.org. You can give a one-time donation or set up monthly recurring donations. You can choose your preferred method of payment, credit card, bank account, or Paypal. Your tax receipt(s) will be automatically generated and emailed directly to you from Canada Helps. Click HERE to donate online.
You decide how your contributions are used. When making your donations indicate how you wish the money to be distributed:
- Local
- Building Fund
- Mission and Service
- Food Bank
- Other
Your generosity supports our ministry of faith, music, friendship and social outreach in our community and in our world. You will be hepling in the following ways:
- Building a strong multi-generational family ministry
- Growing spiritually through thought-provoking learning opportunities
- Being part of an inclusive and welcoming faith environment
- Doing good things in the world as part of our generous community
- Being awed by joyful music and worship
- Giving love and compassion to others
- Building lifelong friendships
Help us to continue our work in the world!
Advantages to You
- Regular support in the amount that you choose
- Continual support of First United when you are away
- Avoidance of “catch-up” periods
Advantages to First United
- Regular, dependable flow of contributions
- Reduction of paperwork and bookkeeping
- Reduction in bank overdrafts