Weekly News February 9, 2025

SPECIAL THANK YOU FROM ‘THE FAMILY OF PEARL SMITH’: We would like to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to all those who provided loving support during the recent passing of our mother, Pearl Smith. We would especially like to thank Reverend Karen Bursey for her kind words and support. A special thank you to Peter MacDonald and the Senior Choir for the beautiful music and to Ethel Hiscock for her kind words and generosity. Many thanks to the United Church Women for the wonderful reception following the service. Also, a big thank you to our church family for your love and continued support.  From Sharon (Roger), Randy and Scott (Cindy).


SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE SUPPER: We will be having a pancake supper here at First United Church in Trinity Hall on Tuesday, March 4th, 5 to 7 pm. Supper menu is pancakes, bologna, sausages, dessert, juice, tea and coffee. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children. Pay at the door. 

KEVIN COLLINS CONCERT with special guests ‘The Right Fit’ here at First United Church: Come and enjoy an evening of uplifting and encouraging music by our very own Kevin Collins and guests on Saturday, April 12th at 7:30 pm.  Tickets cost $30 and will go on sale on March 16th. Tickets can be purchased at the church office.

QUILTING GROUP: The next meeting of the Quilting Group is scheduled for Monday, February 17th. The group meets the first, third and fifth Monday of the month at 7:30 pm in the Multipurpose Room. All levels are welcome to join. For more information contact Pam Morgan at 709-691-0214 or pmorgan@mun.ca

BOOK CLUB:  The Book Club meets once a month. The book for discussion for February month is ‘The Hazelborne Ladies Motorcycle and Flying Club’ by Helen Simonson. The next meeting is February 26th.  For more information please contact Pam Morgan at 709-691-0214 or pmorgan@mun.ca

LOST AND FOUND BIN: There are quite a few items in our ‘Lost and Found’ bin. We will be donating the items to charity this week.  Please have a look to make sure there are no items belonging to you before we donate these items.  Thank you.

OUR ANNUAL CONGREGATIONAL MEETING is tentatively scheduled for March 23rd.  We are always looking for new members to help out on the Board.  We are asking all committee chairs to have their Annual Reports to the office by February 28th. Any questions about helping out on our Board, please speak to our Board Chair, Joan Winsor.  Thanking everyone in advance!

NEXT UCW MEETING: The next meeting of our UCW is scheduled for tomorrow, Monday, February 10th at 12:30 in Trinity Hall. Please bring a bagged lunch, tea and coffee supplied.  Just a reminder that ValenDimes for Valentines are due. Also, a reminder that UCW annual membership fees are now due. All ladies of the congregation are welcome to attend!

Our Youth Group collects beverage containers for recycling. If you would like to drop off your beverage recycling at the church, here’s what can be recycled: aluminum can; plastic containers; glass bottles; steel cans; drink boxes (tetra); mini sips (drink pouches) etc. (Please wash out all bottles and remove all caps before dropping them off.) The Youth Group thanks you for your support.

BUILDING FUND SUNDAY: The last Sunday of the month is designated as Building Fund Sunday. Envelopes are available on the table in foyer.  if you would like to make a contribution.  Thank you for your continued support. 

FOOD BANK SUNDAY: The first Sunday of the month is designated as Food Bank Sunday. Envelopes are available on the table in foyer.

Worship Schedule

Come Worship with Us!

at 221 Park Avenue

Mount Pearl

Worship Service

EVERY Sunday – 11 am


Worship Services Online

Starts at 11 am

“We respectfully acknowledge the territory in which we gather as the traditional territory of the Beothuk and Mi’kmaq.  We are conscious of the long and painful history of relations between the Christian church, colonial settlement practices and the harm caused to these lands and peoples.   May we always seek to live with respect on this land as we search for collective healing and true reconciliation and honour this beautiful land together.“

Gifts - GivingIt is with gratitude and thanksgiving we acknowledge the following Gifts and dedicate them to the Glory of God:


  • Sponsored by Rev. Faith March-MacCuish.

Donations in memory of Pearl Smith:

  • Lorne and Doreen Squires, Kevin and Kim Norman, Michael and Doreen Bouzane, Ralph and Ethel Hiscock.

2025 WEEKLY BULLETIN DEDICATIONS:  If you would like to dedicate a bulletin in 2025 in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special event, please fill in your name and phone number on the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board in the vestibule or call the church office at 368-2194.

In Our Faith Community

TWO UPCOMING ECUMENICAL SERVICES: Tonight, February 9th at 6:30 pm there will be a Gospel Hymn Sing at the Salvation Army Citadel on Ashford Drive. On February 16th at 3 pm the annual Frosty Festival Ecumenical Service will be held at the Park Avenue Pentecostal Church. Members of all congregations are invited to attend these services.   

COWAN HEIGHTS UNITED CHURCH is seeking a permanent, part-time (20 hours per week) Office Administrator. Applications will be accepted until Wednesday, February 19th at midnight. To view a full description of the position go to https://shorturl.at/rSSgA  To apply, please email your resume, along with the names and contact information of two references to personnel@cowanheightsunited.ca 

CHURCH OF THE ASCENSION AFTERNOON CARD GAME: Monday, February 3rd at 2 pm.  Cost is $6 per person. Bring your own cards and baskets. All are invited to attend!

United Church Bookstore & Gifts UCC East

320 Elizabeth Avenue
St. John’s, NL

UNITED CHURCH BOOKSTORE ONLINE: The United Church Bookstore has launched the bookstore for online shopping as well as in-person shopping at 320 Elizabeth Ave. To shop online visit https://ucceast.ca/shop

ITEMS FOR BRIDGES TO HOPE: If you would like to pick up a few items to help out Bridges, please place donations in the bin in the foyer here at First United. The monthly item needed for February is 1 litre Juice. Other non-perishable food items are always welcome and appreciated! Some weekly specials for the week of February 6th to 12th helpful for food hampers:

Walmart Campbell’s Soups $0.77
Cheez Whiz $3.97
No Frills Heinz Beans or Pasta $0.99
Meatballs and Gravy $2.00
Shoppers Colgate Toothpaste/Toothbrush $0.99

Bridges to Hope January statistics: In January, Bridges distributed 667 hampers reaching a total of 1426 individuals, supporting 84 seniors, providing food assistance to 449 children which represents 31% of total visits. Sustaining this level of demand would not be possible without our supporters like you. Some most-needed items are flour, cooking oil and spreads for breads (peanut butter, jam).

Updates from Regional Council and UCC

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Donating to First United

Four convenients ways you can donate to First United


For more details visit the How to Donate Page

Note:  If making a donation through e-transfer, please indicate your Envelope # (if you have one) and how you wish the funds to be used, i.e., Local Expenses, Building Fund, Mission & Service, Food Bank or Other.  If you need to provide more detailed information, please send us an email.

Wednesday to Friday
10 am to 2 pm

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