Weekly News June 4, 2023

READERS NEEDED:  The Worship Committee are in need of people to join the Reading Team.  If you would like to help read at our Sunday services, etc., please contact Jean Whelan at 765-0049 or Sara Case at 746-0935.   


BOOK CLUB: The next meeting is scheduled for June 28th.  The title of the book for June month is ‘A Funny Kind of Paradise’ by Jo Owens. Contact Pam Morgan for time and location details. pmorgan@mun.ca or 709-691-0214.


The Youth Group continues to collect beverage containers. They must be clean and without caps. Note this is only beverage containers for which deposits are paid. Donations can be dropped off at the church or at any Evergreen Recycling location using the automated system and the church phone number. (Closest locations are Waterford Hospital or Blackmarsh Road).

QUILTING GROUP:  The next meeting of the Quilting Group is scheduled for June 19th at 7:30 in the Multipurpose Room

MEN’S CLUB BBQ:  Our Men’s Club year-end BBQ takes place on Tuesday, June 13th.  If you haven’t already done so, please contact Harold Sinyard (740-3627) or Gary Gosse (730-7388) by Tuesday, June 6th to let them know if you will be attending.  Thanks.

READERS NEEDED:  The Worship Committee are in need of people to join the Reading Team.  If you would like to help read at our Sunday services, etc., please contact Jean Whelan at 765-0049 or Sara Case at 746-0935.   

FOOD BANK SUNDAY: The first Sunday of the month is designated as Food Bank Sunday. Envelopes are available on the table in foyer.

BUILDING FUND SUNDAY: The last Sunday of the month is designated as Building Fund Sunday. Envelopes are available on the table in foyer.  if you would like to make a contribution.  Thank you for your continued support. 

NoticeWEEKLY BULLETIN DEDICATIONS: Now that we have resumed printing bulletins, you may dedicate a bulletin in memory of a loved one or in celebration of a special event. If you would like to do so, please put your name and phone number for a specific date on the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board in the vestibule or call the church office at 368-2194.

Worship Schedule

Come Worship with Us!

at 221 Park Avenue

Mount Pearl

Worship Service

EVERY Sunday – 11 am


Worship Services Online

Starts at 11 am

“We respectfully acknowledge the territory in which we gather as the traditional territory of the Beothuk and Mi’kmaq.  We are conscious of the long and painful history of relations between the Christian church, colonial settlement practices and the harm caused to these lands and peoples.   May we always seek to live with respect on this land as we search for collective healing and true reconciliation and honour this beautiful land together.“

Gifts - GivingIt is with gratitude and thanksgiving we acknowledge the following donations and dedicate them to the Glory of God

Peace Garden Donations

  • A Verazzo Stone has been donated in loving memory of Boyd and Cora Penney.  From son Terry and Carolyn Penney.
  • A Verazzo Stone has been donated in fond and loving memory of Jack and Viola Bailey.  From son Nelson Bailey.
  • A Verazzo Stone has been donated in memory of Ron and Patricia Warren.  From friend Nelson Bailey.
  • A Verazzo Stone has been donated in memory of grandparents, Jack and Viola Bailey, Robert and Dorothy Francis.  From grandson Scott Bailey. 

In Our Faith Community

SASHBEAR WALK- Making Waves for Mental Health and Suicide Prevention:  Saturday, June 17th, Quidi Vidi Park.  Help bring hope and awareness and raise funds for the Sashbear Foundation.  For more information, please see notice on bulletin board in foyer. 

POP-UP YOGA:  Gower Street United Church Lecture Hall, Wednesday, June 7th, 11am – noon. Enjoy chair and walking yoga for better balance and a happy heart. Wear loose clothing and comfortable walking shoes.  Led by SuAn Randall, a semi-retired yoga/meditation teacher, who strongly supports and promotes ‘active ageing’ opportunities (WHO) for health, participation and security that enhance our quality of life as we age out in happiness. All proceeds go to the underwear fundraiser. Donate your appreciation via cash, cheque to Gower Street UC, or e-transfer to gsuc@nl.rogers.com  We would love to see you there.

SUMMER EMPLOYMENT– FIRST DAWN EASTERN EDGE REGIONAL COUNCIL OFFICE:  The Regional Council Office in St. John’s has received a Canada Summer Jobs grant from Service Canada to hire two youth to work in their office, bookstore and archives. This is an 8-week duration position and begins as early as Monday, June 26th.  For more information, please contact the church office at 709-368-2194 or see information sheet posted on the bulletin board in the foyer

Your generosity to help feed the hungry is much appreciated. Currently, Bridges to Hope is looking for a volunteer baker on Wednesdays from 9:00-1:00 beginning the end of April. If you can help out please contact Lesley @709 722-9225 or info@bridgestohope.ca The monthly item for June is ‘personal care items’.

United Church Bookstore & Gifts UCC East

320 Elizabeth Avenue
St. John’s, NL

UNITED CHURCH BOOKSTORE ONLINE: The United Church Bookstore has launched the bookstore for online shopping as well as in-person shopping at 320 Elizabeth Ave. To shop online visit https://ucceast.ca/shop

70th Anniversary Fundraisers

70th Anniversary Fundraiser: We are having an on-line auction for our 70th Anniversary Peace Garden Project. We are looking for new items, large or small, to be donated and dropped off at the Church during office hours or Sunday mornings during our 11 am church services. An update will be announced during church services, posted on our website and Facebook page regarding when the auction will go on-line.

Peace Garden: The 70th Anniversary Committee has recently announced the Plan to create a Peace Garden on the street side of the church entrance. The Committee is fundraising for the garden.
Verazzo Stones for the retaining wall can be purchased at $100 each in memory of loved ones or in celebration of anniversaries, graduations and birthdays etc.
Benches Have all been purchased
General Donations of any amount towards the project are gratefully accepted and can also be made in memory or celebration of loved ones or events. All donations will be acknowledged.
Stop and take a look at the drawings posted in the Church!

70th Anniversary Calendar of Events

  • June.25, 2023 11 am Service by the Youth Group followed with a Family Time
  • Sept.24, 2023 11 am   dedication service with special speaker Rev Amanda Barnes, president of First Dawn Eastern Edge, followed with a Fellowship Hour
  • Oct.21, 2023 6 pm Anniversary Dinner and Silent Auction at Cowan Heights United Church Auditorium
  • Oct.22, 2023 11 am Anniversary Service with guest speaker firmer minister of First United Rev Faith March-MacCuish followed with a Fellowship Hour

If you know or someone you know has a story or a special event that happened at First United and would like to tell the congregation about it, please forward your story to Joan Winsor, email address joanwinsor59@gmail.com. These stories will be read during the service.

*We are looking for old photos of First United to put together a slide show for these services. Photos can be dropped off to the church or email them to the church. These stories will be read during the service. Please stay tuned for more information on the Anniversary Celebrations!!

Updates from Regional Council and UCC

First Dawn Eastern Edge Regional Council

Donating to First United

Great News!

E-Transfers Now Possible

First United is now able to accept donations through e-transfer
right from your bank account to firstunited@nf.aibn.com

Four convenients ways you can donate to First United

  1. In-Person
  2. PAR
  3. e-transfer
  4. online

For more details visit the How to Donate Page

Note:  If making a donation through e-transfer, please indicate your Envelope # (if you have one) and how you wish the funds to be used, i.e., Local Expenses, Building Fund, Mission & Service, Food Bank or Other.  If you need to provide more detailed information, please send us an email.

Please be advised of the Church office hours:

Wednesday 10 am to 1 pm
Thursday 10 am to 1 pm
Friday 10 am to 1 pm

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