The Life and Work of our Church
What We do
First United is a vibrant and active congregation involved in everything
from worship to fellowship, to outreach and social action.
Our Programs and Activities
We hold worship service every Sunday morning at 11 am. Our services are also live-streamed for those who want to join us online. Click here for our YouTube Channel and don’t forget to subscribe.
Other special worship services are held throughout the year depending on the seasons of our faith.
Please join us. All are welcome here.
Our children are such a wonderful, vital part of our Church and we learn as much (and more) from them as they learn from us.
Sunday School classes range in age groups from toddlers to Junior High. Each Sunday they join our Worship Service and then, after their special time of story, music and sharing, head downstairs to Trinity Hall where there is fun, music and more stories… More about Sunday School
Music and singing plays a huge role in all our worship and fellowship. There are four choirs at First United:
- The seniors choir (leads morning worship)
- Junior Choir
- Bell Choir
- Blended Voices
The First United Church Women’s Group (UCW) is a vibrant and active group of women who meet the second Monday of each month, September to June. We worship, deal with business, tackle special projects, visit our elderly, sick and shut-ins, and support the overall work of our Church Community. We welcome new members to join us on our faith journey as we share our time, talents and treasures… More about the UCW
Our Men’s Club has been in existence since the early days of the establishment of First United Church in Mount Pearl. We meet eight times a year, sharing in fellowship, food and fun. We also take part in the work of the Church, often leading functions, social action and outreach activities. Our Club currently consists of about 45 men, averaging about 30 in attendance at each meeting. We welcome new members to share our fellowship… More about the Men’s Fellowship Club
The Youth Group meets once each week (Sunday nights, 7pm-9pm) between September to June. They range from grade seven (12-13 years) to grade twelve (17-18 years). If you fit that age range, why not consider joining our group. They have a blast! You don’t have to be a member of First United to participate. All are welcome… More about SNAC
First United Book Club meets for an hour once each month to choose and discuss. We’re deliberate in keeping a wide range of reading, from fiction to non-fiction, from Newfoundland to Australia, from historical biography to fictional biography. Our only criteria is that each book have a religious, moral or social theme but we aim for a wide variety of writing styles. Books are chosen by all members a month or two in advance.
We average about six regular members for each meeting with a couple of others dropping in as able and would love to have more people join us.
The quilt group meets the first and third Monday evenings of each month at 7:30 pm. We usually meet in the multi-purpose room at the church. If you are interested in joining, contact us for information. Beginners and experienced quilters welcome.
More About
Our Church Groups
Something for Everyone
No matter what your age, we have something for you. You decide how you want to participate in the life and work of our Church.

Ways you can participate
- join us in worship (online or in-person)
- become a member of our Official Board
- serve on one of our Committees
- volunteer as a Reader
- join one of our choirs
- become an usher
- join one of our groups
- become a Sunday School Teacher or Assistant
- take part in fundraising activities
- explore your faith
- challenge yourself
- serve others
- learn about the United Church of Canada and its partners
- journey with others
- explore the bible
- ask questions
- become a Mission and Service (M&S) enthusiast
Interested? Need more information?
Helping Wherever We Can
Serving Others!
volunteering - fundraising - supporting
our seniors, our youth, our children
our community, our world
visiting with the sick and shut-in
providing opportunities for fellowship
gift baskets for those in need
Supporting Outreach
Bridges to Hope
Stella Burry Foundation
Iris Kirby House
Carew Lodge
Emmanuel House
Foster Children’s Fund
Mission and Service Fund

Mission and Service
Compassion through Generosity
To donate, click the button below.
What is Mission and Service?
Through our Mission and Service Fund, we are able to help people locally and globally.
From serving a hot meal at a local soup kitchen, to visiting a lonely neighbour, to financially supporting those in need in our local communities and around the world, the people of the United Church are committed to turning compassion into action.
In the last year alone, those who attend and support The United Church of Canada gave over $26 million to people in need and projects that matter.
United Church people across the country join together to share what we can. We give to people and places in need through a unified fund called Mission and Service.
What does Mission and Service do?
We share our resources with three goals in mind:
- to transform and save lives
- to inspire meaning and purpose
- to build a better world
Click HERE for information on how you can donate.