First United Church - 1953
Our History
First United Church began in 1953 with a handful of dedicated people who met in a car to discuss and plan how to move forward.
First United - Our History
The idea of starting a United Church in Mount Pearl/Glendale was discussed by a handful of dedicated and determined people. It was 1953 – the early stages of community development. That very first meeting was held in Stephen Thistle’s car.

And so it began!
A congregation was formed. Some would say First United had humble beginnings with our worship services being held in a garage that had been converted into a two room schoolhouse – the first school in Mount Pearl. In those days, that schoolhouse doubled as a place of worship, first for the Anglican community and then the United Church. Actually, it was a perfect way to start.
A year later, in 1954, the congregation had saved enough money to purchase a parcel of land on Churchill Avenue.
The first Congregational Meeting was held on March 23, 1956 and the report of the acting Building Committee was presented.
Phase 1 - The Basement
The first phase of the project was completed and dedicated to the glory of God on November 23, 1958. Sunday worship, Sunday School, and other Christian education activities took place in this facility.
Church Opens October 1961
The rapid growth of the town and the congregation necessitated the completion of the second phase of the project – the main floor and sanctuary.
Our church building was officially consecrated and opened Sunday, October 22, 1961.

An Extension Needed
In 1965, First United church was officially constituted by presbytery as an independent Pastoral Charge.
The last payment on the mortgage of the church was made in 1979. However, the congregation found that the church building was no longer adequate for its needs.
Back to School
The building was extended and renovated to accommodate more worshippers and to facilitate other activities. While the renovations were going on, the congregation worshipped at Mount Pearl Central High School.
On February 22, 1981, the newly renovated First United Church was rededicated.
Trinity United
In 1988, Mount Pearl was granted city status. The city also saw the formation of Trinity United Church, under the sponsorship of First United Pastoral Charge. In September of that year, Trinity held their first service in the staff room of Mount Pearl Junior High with fifty people in attendance. In 1991, Trinity’s attendance averaged seventy-five, with fifty families contributing through envelope givings.
On Christmas Eve 1990, First United Church burned the mortgage on the church extension. At the Annual Congregational Meeting in February 1991, it was decided to retain the present structure and continue to upgrade and to support the Congregation of Trinity United.
While Trinity was out growing, plans were made to move to Mount Pearl Senior High. Trinity worshipped in the school until 2003, when they entered into a lease arrangement with Church of the Good Shepherd on Ruby Line. Church services were held at 9:30 am for the first three Sunday’s and the fourth Sunday was an 11:00 am service with fellowship after.
During 2010, Trinity and First were meeting to form a lease agreement so that both churches could use one building. On August 1, 2010 Trinity United held their first service at First United.
2012 - The Amalgamation
With the declining attendance and the leaving of the minister, Trinity’s congregation decided to amalgamate with First United, the congregation that they branched out from. With the approval of East District, the two churches became one with the amalgamation service on November 18, 2012.
Church Hall Gets Its Name - Trinity Hall
The church hall, located in the basement of First United at 221 Park Avenue, is the home of the Sunday School and the gathering place for most of our special activities, our suppers and our meetings. Until 2012 it remained nameless and simply referred to as the church hall. With the amalgamation of the two churches the hall finally got its name …
Trinity Hall
Fast Forward to TODAY
Our Church continues to grow. Our membership is now 1,080 and we’ve just finished an expansion to our building.
We’re proactive in outreach and social action and have programs for all ages from infants to seniors – Sunday School, Youth Group, Men’s Service Club, United Church Women, Book Club, Quilting Group and much more.