Know More About
The United Church of Canada
and what we believe
First United Church Mount Pearl is part of the United Church of Canada
First United is part of the United Church of Canada
Here’s more about the history of the United Church, the joining of several congregations and about what we believe

First United Church Mount Pearl
Part of the United Church of Canada
The United Church of Canada is the largest Protestant denomination in Canada. We minister to over 2 million people in about 3,000 congregations. The history of the United Church is closely entwined with the history of Canada itself.
The United Church was inaugurated on June 10, 1925 in Toronto, Ontario, when the Methodist Church, Canada, the Congregational Union of Canada, and 70 per cent of the Presbyterian Church of Canada entered into a union. Also joining was the small General Council of Union Churches, centred largely in Western Canada. It was the first union of churches in the world to cross historical denominational lines and received international acclaim. Each of the founding churches had a long history in Canada prior to 1925.
What We Believe
“God is Holy Mystery, beyond complete knowledge, above perfect description….
Nothing exists that does not find its source in God.” (A Song of Faith)
Source: United Church of Canada (A Song of Faith)
A Song of Faith
So God creates the universe
and with it the possibility of being and relating.
God tends the universe,
mending the broken and reconciling the estranged.
God enlivens the universe,
guiding all things toward harmony with their Source.
Grateful for God’s loving action,
We cannot keep from singing.
With the Church through the ages,
we speak of God as one and triune:
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We also speak of God as
Creator, Redeemer, and Sustainer
God, Christ, and Spirit
Mother, Friend, and Comforter
Source of Life, Living Word, and Bond of Love,
and in other ways that speak faithfully of
the One on whom our hearts rely,
the fully shared life at the heart of the universe.
We witness to Holy Mystery that is Wholly Love….
[A Song of Faith continues. Download the complete Song of Faith]